Thursday, September 5, 2013

Individual Consultants for Trade Expert

1. The Common Market for Eastern and Southern Africa (COMESA) has received financing from the African Capacity Building Foundation (ACBF)towards the cost of enhancing COMESA capacity in economic and trade policy analysis and it intends to apply part of the proceeds to payments forconsulting services to be procured under this project.
2.The Trade Unit of the Division of Trade, Customs and Monetary Affairs of the COMESA Secretariat is charged with, among other things, undertaking research and policy analysis on trade issues, fostering competitiveness, capacity building on value addition and strategies for enhancing regional integration of COMESA countries, monitoring the implementation of the COMESA Treaty provisions and agreements, providing advice on necessary corrective measures and preparing, commissioning and undertaking technical studies in the area of trade and related topics. In addition, the division monitors and evaluates major developments in the international trading system covering such areas as the WTO, EU-ACP relations, AGOA and regional cooperation.
The Division needs the enhancement of its human and institutional capacity to perform the following functions:
a. Effective implementation of programs in trade and market integration, trade facilitation, customs and monetary unions’ cooperation in the region.
b. In cooperation with the IT Division, it needs skills, IT equipment-hardware and software capacity to collect, collate, process and disseminate trade data and information, as well as capacity for e-commerce.
c. Assist Member States in building productive capacities and competitiveness of their economies.
d. Assist Member States to develop trade facilitation infrastructure, for harmonization of border management procedures including the establishment One Stop Joint Border Posts to facilitate border crossing.
e. Assist Member States in developing alternative sources of revenue generation beyond taxation of trade.
f. Advise Member States oh how to develop and strengthen the regional financial system in order to promote and boost trade in the region
Terms of Reference
Specific functions of the Trade Expert in this scheme will include the following:
a) Undertake a review of studies undertaken under the auspices of the COMESA Secretariat related to the COMESA internal market and other agreements with third parties.
b) Undertake a literature review of studies on trade relationships between COMESA countries and their traditional and emerging economy partners to come up with possible options for promoting intra-regional trade
c) Initiate research studies with the objective of establishing linkages between COMESA’s trade policy objectives (i.e. the customs union and internal market) and major trading partners interest in trading with the COMESA region.
d) Carry out country surveys on the COMESA services programme
e) Undertake studies on key issues on the WTO and their implications for COMESA countries.
f) Undertake studies on topical and related issues pertaining to the emerging Tripartite process.
g) Based on the studies undertaken, elaborate positions for COMESA to pursue as a regional bloc in order to rationalize the direction of regional trade policy and how it may benefit from COMESA’s external trade relationships. These findings will assist with the development of COMESA’s draft external trade policy.
h) Present findings at stakeholder validation workshops and draft reports on validation workshop outcomes
i) Disseminate research findings at COMESA regional and international fora.
The TradeExpert will report to the Director, Trade, Customs and Monetary Affairs.
4. The COMESA Secretariat now invites individuals to indicate their interest in providing the services of a Trade Expert. Interested individuals must have at least a Master’s degree in economics or international economics (with a majorin international trade and preferably methods of economic analysis), and would have had a minimum of 8years experience in relevant trade and related fields. Experience in projects financed by multilateral development institutions would be an advantage. The Consultant must have a good working knowledge of the English language and a background of good research and project management skills and experience. He/ she must also be familiar with Government and public sector policies, institutional structures and operational procedures.
5. The consultant will be based at the COMESA Secretariat in Lusaka, Zambia.
6. The position is tenable for a fixed term of 4 years.
7. Interested Applicants should send a detailed curriculum vitae and a covering letterto the address below on or before 11th September2013 at 14.00 hours, Zambia time clearly indicating the position title to:
The Secretary General
COMESA Secretariat.
Ben Bella Road
P.O. Box 30051 Lusaka, Zambia.
Tel: (260) 211 229725.
Fax: (260) 211 225107
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