Thursday, September 5, 2013

Consultancy Services for the Technical Assistance for the Establishment and Capacity Building of the Research and Development Unit

1. The Road Development Agency (the Client) has been allocated funds from the Government of the Republic of Zambia and intends to apply the funds to eligible payments under the contract Consultancy Services for the Technical Assistance for the Establishment and Capacity Building of the Research and Development Unit.
2. The Road Development Agency (RDA) now invites proposals to provide the above consulting services. More details on the services are provided in the Terms of Reference.
3. This RFP has been advertised to whichever Consultants or Institutions are qualified to provide such services.
4. A firm will be selected under Quality and Cost Based Selection (QCBS) and procedures described in the RFP.
5. Preferential Procurement regulations apply as per provisions of the Statutory Instrument No. 36 of 2011 on preferential procurement, to be read in conjunction with The Citizens Economic Empowerment Act No. 9 of 2006, as read together with the Zambia Public Procurement Act No. 12 of 2008.
6. The RFP includes the following documents: Section 1 – Invitation for Proposals Section 2 - Information to Consultants Section 3 - Technical Proposal - Standard Forms Section 4 - Financial Proposal - Standard Forms Section 7 - Terms of Reference Section 8 - Standard Forms of Contract
7. The Request for Proposals may be purchased at the Road Development Agency Headquarters in Procurement Unit Office, Fairley Road,
P.O. Box 50003,
for a non refundable fee of ZMW 1000.00 or its equivalent in a freely – convertible currency at the prevailing exchange rate in cash or bank certified cheque.
8. Proposals must be deposited in the tender box at the Road Development Agency Headquarters at the above address.
The closing date for the receipt of the proposals duly addressed as per above address is Friday, 27th September 2013 at 14:30 hours, local time.
Proposals will be opened in the conference room at the Road Development Agency HQ in Lusaka in the presence of bidders or their representatives who choose to attend on the same day. LATE BIDS SHALL NOT BE ACCEPTED.
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