Thursday, January 2, 2014

Head of Programs, Niger

Job Title:
Head of Programs, Niger
Requisition Number:
Area of Interest:
Position Type:
Full Time

Job Description:
Position Title:                         Head of Programs
Department/Country:           Sahel West Africa      
Location:                                Niger
Reports To:                            Deputy Country Representative     
FLSA:                                    Exempt

Job Summary
CRS/Niger has ongoing programs funded by the Global Fund, USAID Food for Peace, OFDA, UNICEF and projects funded by private donors. CRS/Niger is also currently exploring additional funding sources that would supplement its programming activities. While the Deputy Country Representative (DCR) has increased responsibility for partnership relations and provides oversight to the Global Fund Programs, the Head of Programs (HOP) will focus on providing support and guidance to all non-Global Fund Program Managers and Chiefs of Party, and is responsible for the rest of the current and future program portfolio, and continued program growth. This includes oversight of relationships with counterparts, timely disbursement and tracking of funds to Sub Recipients, provision of technical support for staff and partners, as well as support needed to comply with donor reporting and program quality standards. It also involves the implementation of all projects including emergency responses and all M&E activities assuring the efficient management of projects and budget. In particular, the HOP will work with staff on the development of new initiatives and help ensure substantial portfolio growth in the program. 

Specific Responsibilities and Competencies:

1. Focus on Program Quality  
a.       Ensures detailed and realistic project implementation plans are developed with staff and partners.
b.      Understands the interdependencies between PQ and MQ processes and identifies and corrects resulting issues promptly.
c.       Implements effective systems for financial/budget management (including budget development, compliance, cost allocations, etc.)
d.      Ensures high quality and timely reporting. 
e.       Ensure that all programming staff use the two Propack volumes and the agency M&E standards to ensure high quality program design and management
f.       Promotes knowledge management and risk management as a part of all staff’s responsibilities.
g.      Regularly travels to the field to visit projects and support further progress.
h.      Supports accountability, learning and innovation in key areas of both management and program quality.
i.        Supports program and partner staff in designing and conducting baseline surveys, mid-term evaluations, and final evaluations as per the program's approved M&E plan.
j.        Coaches staff in the use of integral human development, the justice lens and partnership principles to strengthen participatory, innovative and holistic development approaches.

2.   Supervision and Staff Development
a.       Orients new staff to CRS values, culture, tools and processes.
b.      Meets regularly with individual staff members for coaching, mentoring, and support.
c.       Delegates’ opportunities to staff that are suited to their skills and further growth.
d.      Promotes the ongoing development of program staff skills (in technical and non-technical topics) in areas where they lack capacity.
e.       Provides timely, constructive and meaningful feedback.
f.       Coaches staff on building effective partnerships.
g.      Mitigates risk by ensuring staff understands financial and administrative processes (cost allocation, regulatory issues, contract management, etc.).
h.      Completes all aspects of CRS performance management on time and effectively.
i.        Utilizes regional and headquarters resources (including regional/HQ technical advisors, Resource Acquisition Department, etc.) to further the development of staff. 

3.  Budget Management 
a.       Ensures that Programming staff are well-equipped to properly manage their budgets;
b.      Overall responsibility to ensure that each project budget in CRS Niger is well managed and adheres to donor intent and regulations;
c.       Approves release of resources (cash and/ or commodities) to partners/projects as per approved plans and agreements and reimbursement and/or liquidations of project expenditures;
d.      Coordinates preparation of the annual budget (APP) in programming department. 

4.   Builds and Leads effective teams
a.       Organizes the team’s work around shared vision and goals.
b.      Holds regular program team meetings and ensures action points from team meetings are accomplished.
c.       Identifies and utilizes individual talents toward program goals.
d.      Coaches staff to grow and perform their jobs well.
e.       Masters and supports CRS programming, administrative and financial procedures and systems.
f.       Promotes constructive integration between programming staff and the Resource Management staff.
g.      Works collaboratively with staff and keeps them well informed.
h.      Promotes positive conflict resolution and ongoing learning among the team(s).
i.        Supports staff and local partners to build effective relationships founded on respect and trust.
j.        Approaches other people and their views with diplomacy, humility, and integrity.  

5. Lead Growth in Programs
a.            Identifies program priorities and takes a lead role in developing a strategic plan to grow projects (with partners, CP staff, regional/HQ technical advisors, Business Development Team, etc).
b.           Assesses the funding environment as well as CRS' strengths/opportunities.
c.            Networks and identifies potential partnerships and consortiums for proposals.
d.           Proactively cultivates new partner and donor relationships.
e.            Prompts staff and partners to identify new opportunities.
f.            Incorporates innovative and emerging trends into new or existing programs (when appropriate). 
g.           Mobilizes proposal design teams to draft and submit proposals that efficiently include value-adding input from diverse sources.
h.           Regularly reviews progress against indicators.  

6.   Representation
Represents CRS in various forums including meetings with church officials, other NGOs, Government ministries, US Government representatives and diplomatic missions, as deemed appropriate by the Country Representative.    

Supervisory Responsibilities:  The Niger HOP will supervise the following programs:
·         DFAP Chief of Party
·         Head of Monitoring & Evaluation
·         Head of Emergency Response Unit
·         Program Quality and Growth Manager
·         Program Manager for Multiple Projects

Agency-wide Competencies (for all CRS staff):
These are rooted in the mission, values, and guiding principles of CRS and used by each staff member to fulfill his or her responsibilities and achieve the desired results.
·         Serves with Integrity
·         Models Stewardship 
·         Cultivates Constructive Relationships
·         Promotes Learning

Head of Programming Competencies: HOPs are expected to use these competencies in the accomplishment of the responsibilities above.
·         Builds and Leads Effective Teams
·         Supervises and Develops Program Staff
·         Leads Growth in Programs
·         Focuses on Quality

Key Working Relationships:
Internal:  CRS Country Representative, Resource Management Coordinator, , Project staff and Team Leaders in the programming department, Finance Managers; Human Resources Manager; Administration Manager, Internal Auditor, SWA DRD PQ/MQ and Technical Advisors as well as RAD and PIQA staff in HQ. 

External:  Partner organization technical & management staff, Catholic Church officials and Caritas staff, Diocesan representatives, USAID, FFP, Niger Government ministries, WFP, WHO, UNICEF and all relevant local and international technical institutions and NGOs. 

1.      Master's degree in International Development, Social Sciences, or related discipline, or an equivalent university degree with extensive fieldwork experience over and above listed below.
2.      At least 6 years experience in program management.
3.      Excellent organizational, planning and analytical skills; detail-oriented, adaptable, flexible.
4.      Experience in program design/development and implementation (Design, monitoring, evaluation & reporting).
5.      Experience in Budget management.
6.      Extensive experience in the use of participatory methodologies.
7.      In depth knowledge of CRS policies, procedures and standards.
8.      Proven in-depth knowledge of donor cash and in-kind policies and regulations, including Title II food-supported programming, USAID/ USDA commodity management and compliance regulations.
9.      Excellent partnership skills and the ability to interact effectively with donors, collaborating agencies, and local partners.
10.  Demonstrated strengths in relationship management; strong cross-cultural skills.
11.  Demonstrated ability to provide leadership in strategic planning initiatives.
12.  Willingness to travel and spend time in field offices and visiting project sites.
13.  Native fluency in English and professional proficiency in French.


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