Tuesday, April 15, 2014

Volunteer, Private Sector Distribution Optimization

Country: Uganda
City: Kampala
Type: Volunteer, International – Full Time, under 6 months (ineligible for benefits)
Business Unit: Country Programs - Country Teams

Founded in 2002 by President William J. Clinton, the Clinton Health Access Initiative (CHAI) is a global health organization committed to strengthening integrated health systems around the world and expanding access to care and treatment for HIV/AIDS, malaria and other illnesses. Based on the premise that business oriented strategy can facilitate solutions to global health challenges, CHAI acts as a catalyst to mobilize new resources and optimize the impact of these resources to save lives, via improved organization of commodity markets and more effective local management. By working in association with governments and other NGO partners, CHAI is focused on large scale impact and, to date, CHAI has secured lower pricing agreements for treatment options in more than 70 countries. In addition, CHAI's teams are working side-by-side with over 30 governments to tackle many of the largest barriers to effective treatment and care.

In Uganda the private sector serves the majority (50-70%) of disease cases for which treatment can be secured over-the-counter. Such diseases include malaria and diarrhea, two of the three leading causes of under-five mortality. In the majority of cases, private sector service delivery is retail, rather than facility-based; and is often provided by small and poorly-qualified drug shops. These get their supply, and the majority of their information, from a highly fragmented wholesale-based marketplace, which is in turn supplied by a relatively small number (~10) of pharmaceutical first-line distributors (1LDs).

The Private Sector Team works to improve access to informed healthcare provision and high quality medicines through the private sector. On the supply-side, we do this by working at all levels of the supply chain to improve the availability and affordability of appropriate drugs. Essentially, this amounts to the alignment of improved health outcomes with private sector profitability: no easy task, but one that can be achieved by working with private sector stakeholders to identify opportunities to increase revenue or streamline costs, and translate this into patient impact. For example, we have been instrumental in reducing the price of diarrhea treatment by over 50%, while allowing the 1LDs involved to maintain their product-line profitability through increased volumes. This sort of development work is highly innovative, and demands an extremely entrepreneurial approach and mindset.

The responsibility of this role is to identify and implement organization-wide operational improvements that can be leveraged to secure improved patient impact. If successful, this approach could be scaled to multiple 1LDs, leading to widespread improvement of Uganda’s private healthcare.  Working with CHAI in the private sector team will expose the intern to a leading global development organization, and allow them to use their business skills to directly drive life-saving change and gain experience in the pharmaceutical sector – one of Africa’s emerging area of investment.

  • Interview import, warehouse, sales and marketing  division leaders (at selected 1LD) to establish and prioritize opportunities for cost reduction, sales improvement, or efficiency optimization that (1) fall in line with 1LD’s business development plans, and (2) can be translated into patient impact through increased quality assurance or product affordability
  • Conduct analysis of relevant product import/inventory/distribution/sales data to assess potential impact and fine-tune scope of optimization opportunity
  • Work with relevant teams at the 1LD to develop and implement strategy to address high-priority optimization opportunities, possibly including development of tools and systems to:
    • Increase portfolio of high-quality, low-cost products
    • Improve coordination of import supply chain
    • Improve quality and management of distribution
    • Improve sales performance to specified market segments
    • Broaden 1LD’s wholesale and/or retail presence
  • Ensure that 1LD has systems in place to monitor incoming data and facilitate appropriate usage
  • Establish a clear structure to ensure that cost/efficiency savings resulting from the project are translated into long-term patient impact
  • Create a toolkit illustrating market-wide areas for focus & improvement that CHAI can use to improve the operations of other 1LDs 
  • Very strong business consulting skills (ideally a strategy consultant externship)
  • Excellent strategic thinking
  • Strong analytical skills
  • Specific applicable skills/experience, e.g. supply chain management skills, sales management, pharmaceutical markets
  • Strong self-management and excellent track-record of completing projects to a timeframe
  • Private sector background


Bachelor's degree or equivalent; or 3 years work experience plus Secondary School or equivalent; or equivalent total work experience

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